Jenn's Reverie

Monday, May 02, 2005

Fuck You Blogger!

Okay, I typed the Spring Crawl escapades AGAIN and when I clicked "publish post" it sent me to the "cannot find selected page/url" thing AGAIN. So just shoot me already. Seriously. I took 45 minutes to type that. Listen here, blogger! I spend lots of time with you and contribute to your world and this is how you repay me?! What the hell, man? I wanted to throw my chair through the computer. And I know I have pottie mouth tendencies, but do you have to piss me off so I can reveal them to the world? Let me just be the lady that I am, bitch. I don't know what I did to piss you off, but just come forth with it and we'll handle the situation as needed. Just remember, I aint afraid to hit a bitch! And thanks for making me seem all psycho for talking/posting to you. I don't like you right now.
posted by Jenn Doll at 4:47 AM


I ALWAYS copy my post before publishiing just in case. Blogger is about as reliable as my last husband.

7:48 AM  

Haha! Nice one, Rae!

7:51 AM  

There's just something so hot about a woman having a total hissy fit. This blogging SNAFU has to be an intentional thing set up by some guy.

9:57 AM  

I've had my struggles with publishing on Blogger, myself. You know that something is wrong when it has been 20 minutes and it is either at 0% or 80% finished (which happened on my last post.) But I also know that I can only control what I can and have to accept the volatile beast that it is.

12:23 PM  

accept it? please..without tossing a major tantrum? half the fun is going off after the blogger eats your post..and i also type it in word first..lessons learned..

4:20 PM  

OK, if it makes you feel any better, I just found your blog, and you're hilarious! I love your posts. Try the recover post thing, and good luck!

7:13 PM  

Jenn-seriously dude-how hard is - Shift-arrow-ctrl c- I mean really dude.

Oh yeah and ~ you're sexy when yer pissed!!

8:58 PM  

Jenn, come on. Seriously. You know you have to "save as draft" every 4 sentences JUST IN CASE. I've learned by lesson the hard way, but thank god I haven't lost a post in months. Knock on wood. I know how you feel though, and I empathsize with you. I've been there before sister. Kinda makes you want to go apeshit, doesn't it?

I guess god just doesn't want you to tell us about Spring Crawl. You must have done something awful.

We know, we know you "ain't afraid to hit a bitch" already. Stop making empty threats. I know you ain't nothin but a pussy.

12:57 AM  

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