Jenn's Reverie

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Story Time; Get Your Blankies

So, there's two girls that are roughly 15 years old. There are two boys
who are about the same age. One day after school, if they went to
school, they decide to go back to one of the girls houses and hang out
since no one was home. The boys notice there are bottles of liquor and
decide they wanna drink it. The girls are hesitant but peer pressure
breaks them and they give in. Especially because they have crushes on
these boys. They drink 'til they can't drink anymore. . . literally.
Between the four there are three bottles of liquor missing. This is the
first time the girls experience the wrath of liquor. They are blacked
out and pretty much not even conscious. Alchohol poisoning could be a
factor. The boys are drunk but still coherent. They decide they want to
have sex with these girls.

Fast forward to the following day when daughter is "okay" and is
'having pains all over.' They head out to see a doctor. Doc says after
hours on end of examinations that she is "torn" and said boys possibly
and more than likely used "something" in the girl(s). The boys took
turns on the girl(s) as well. There was a lot of blood and bruises. She
is no longer a virgin.

Rape charges? I say fuck yes. I don't give a damn if the girls "chose"
to drink the alcohol. They were taken advantage of. According to Doc it
was as though the boys were having sex with a corpse the girl(s) were
so out of it. They just laid there lifeless like while the boys
proceeded in their task at hand. I say lock 'em up and throw away the

posted by Jenn Doll at 10:05 AM


There is a line that we draw as a society, so your information is a little ambiguous. Were the boys 15 or 16 (or older)?
The thought is that juveniles, because of their immaturity and lack of wisdom that can only come from experience, will do stupid things. But should an entire life be locked up and the key thrown away for a 15 year old?
I think that if they are stupid boys that made a (egregious) mistake but have no prior history of sociopathic bahaviors, they should pay to the extent the juvenile court system allows.
If they are gang-bangers or thugs, continuously fucking up and thumbing their nose at society's mores, yeah. Toss the little fuckers in the system and let them find out what it means to be somebody's bitch.
I would be strongly opposed to any punishment that did not involve some incarceration, i.e. "community service" or probation alone.
Too bad if they are stellar students or athletes that have altered their chances for an easier path to the best schools and universities. Bummer.

10:55 AM  

Yes, the bastards need to be buried under the jailhouse. Stories like this just piss me off...

11:04 AM  

Kurt, I hear you, but 15 or 16, they knew what they were doing. Be it a star athlete straight A student or a pot smoking gang banger, they knew what they were doing.

I think this is more than a mistake. They have forever ruined the life of another. Her virginity for one was taken in such a demeanor. Her trust has been killed and will be arduous for one to earn from her. Self respect has been lost. And I can't even fathom what more as I have not been in those shoes.

Community service would be a slap on the wrist. They obviously weren't afraid of the consequences or didn't think about them. This is why they should pay for what they've done. When I say lock them up and throw away the key, I mean FELONY. Forever on their record. Make the rest of their life hard like they've done for her. If they get a slap on the wrist why not have it a second time? A slap on the wrist is surely not intimidating to boys who would do something like such.

11:15 AM  

Yes, lock them up and throw away the key and charge them not only with rape, but statutory rape, minor in possession of alcohol, and assault with a deadly weapon. then charge the parents for failure to supervise and providing alcohol to minors.

Geesh, what parents think never goes on!


12:18 PM  

There are plenty of 20 and 30 something year olds with a great lack of wisdom as well.

They should be charged as adults because their crimes are so serious. The boys must've also used "something?" God. That's downright sadistic.

12:50 PM  

It doesnt matter the age of the girls it doesnt matter the age of the boys...It doesnt matter if everyone was drinking.

If one person is passed out or incoherant to the point of not being able to consent to what they are doing or have conscious knowlege of whats going on around them then its a crime..its rape plain and simple...I say they need to be held accountable.

If it were young boys being molested while they were out of it no one would think twice about it being wrong.

I get that they were young..but by the age of 15 you should know the difference between right and wrong.

6:12 PM  

Judge Bill says this is rape.

6:17 PM  

A $0.50 bullet for each...No, too drastic. Definite jail time though. Not just juvie jail, but adult jail. How fucked-up are these girls going to be tomorrow or for the rest of their lives?

10:07 PM  

I definitely agree that it is a horrible crime and there needs to be punishment.
One question I have for everyone that is assuming these "poor victimized girls" will be traumitized for the rest of their lives - why do we give them an out for not becoming productive people? Just because something bad has happened to someone, does that mean they get to suffer in it the rest of their life, with no hope of recovery?
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying they should just "get over it." It would take extraordinary work and effort to put it behind them.
I wonder how it is that so many victims of the Holocaust turned into such productive people and leaders after such a tremendous ordeal. Or Senator John McCain, after sitting in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp for so many years.
I have two daughters and would be angry as hell were someone to mess with them like this. But I would also want them to receive the counseling and help needed to know they DO NOT have to let something that was NOT their fault ruin their lives. I would also be telling them shame on them if they did let it ruin their lives. Just like I was told - "Get off your ass and do it then."

7:16 AM  

Oh Kurt, I don't believe that anyone is giving them an out. Whether they get over it or let it ruin them, it will forever haunt them. They will be reminded someway somehow. It does not mean that they will not be productive. They will endure the memory for as long as they live. And they boys? Oh, they'll remember, but will they regret? Maybe, maybe not. I hope they do forever feel regret. Regret is one of the worst emotions one can feel.

They are "poor victimized girls." I wouldn't consider them anything less.

As for the Holocaust stuff, yes many have "came through" it. But none have ever forgotten. Elie Wiesel's Night, read it. He "came through" it. But he says he will never forgive himself for certain things that happened in the concentration camps. He still at times has no recolection of time. These girls didn't suffer near what he did, no. But they will always regret because of these boys and hurt. . . even while they're being "productive."

Jen, you're right on it. Hands downs.

7:48 AM  

I am actually reading that book now. And no, I would never expect someone to forget.
There are two children I will never know because of abortion. I struggle over the "rightness" of it constantly. It hurts. The hurt, the pain are reminders of how I want to conduct myself, even though I often don't want to.
But I will not become hostage to that situation.

8:21 AM  

Increasingly, I cannot wait to be in a better place than this wretched earth.

10:30 AM  

Holocaust survivors, POWs, rape and molestation victims...

Many get through it, but the emotional scars run deep. Most of them are forever transformed and might have had to endure hell and back and then back again many many times.

Haunted by their ordeals, I wonder how many are still having nightmares.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger - but I bet many of them would rather have been a weaker person and not have had to go through absoulte hell.

10:44 AM  

Perhaps there could be an altered sentence, some form of rehabilitation for kids that have done this. Adults should be executed, forget about jail. Kurt from the first comment had an interesting idea, to let them be someone else's bitch for a while. Not a bad idea whatsoever.

11:32 AM  

That is fucked up Jenn, but it reminds me of a funny "torn" story that happened back in the day while UNLV was still in college. My suitemate (J.R.) and I had some sluts over, My chick was an aerobics instructor and total slut who would fuck anything that moved. J.R.'s chick, was well on her way to becoming a stripper named Cookie, but at the time she was still a virgin. This night she decided that she needed to be deflowered and J.R. was going to be the guy to do it. Well he deflowered her and tore her shit up. The chick was in my bathroom bleeding all over the place and fucking up all 3 of my towels. My suitemate and I decided that this bitch needed to go so he pulled the fire alarm and the whole dorm had to empty out. Her slutty litle friend stayed behind along with UNLV. Good times people!!!! hahahahahahaahah

2:30 PM  

It's just amazing how often this happens. It's a good reason to teach your kids that they "can't" have relationships until they are 18.

3:04 PM  

As always I agree with Rat's kind way of righting the wrongs.

Love you Jenn! Stop by soon!

4:21 PM  

I have to side with RiaC on this one. This shouldn't be an issue for the law. This should be an issue for her brothers and father. If it was someone in my family that this happened to, those boys would just not exist anymore one day.

4:51 PM  

Someone needs to take those dudes out back and thoroughly whoop them with lead pipes until they regret it.

If I was the girls' dad... Some jailhouse thug will be getting a fat bonus to treat those dudes to a bit of their own medicine.

UNLV guy... You got problems.

5:39 PM  

Agreed Lock Them UP!

9:18 PM  

Okay, so we all agree. I was gonna post a separate post for this, but I'll put it here and see if anyone reads.

A while back I did the post about a 14 year old girl who snuck out with a boy and smoked a joint with him. A joint in which she didn't know was laced, she blacked out and he had his way with her. She, though was not as that of a corpse, though she was completely incoherent.

For that post many of the comments in some fashion put some of the blame on her. I think mostly it was because she snuck out and smoked weed and well, weed is illegal. It was said that 'she put herself in that situation.' Okay, well, alcohol is illegal for girls and boys under 21, these girls drank it and were incoherent.

Either way I think the boys in this situation and the other are guilty of the same thing.

I don't see how anyone 'puts themselves in "that" kinda situation.' My argument at the time was anytime I leave my house and even when I don't, I 'put myself in that situation.' You don't know who, what, when, where or why. Yeah, I guess you can potentially "help to prevent" those types of situations, but if a guy or a girl is going to do something hurtful to another, they're gonna do it redgardless of the situation.

So, how is this different from the other post?

7:45 AM  

Jenn its not different...The point isnt how she got there. The point is one of consent.

If you are in a condition that keeps you from being unable to give consent...then you are being raped.

Anyone trying to justify the act by saying she used poor judgement in what she did by sneaking out or smoking something with him no matter what it was..Is trying to make excuses for rape.


Any human being who takes advantage sexually of another human being when they have the inablitiy for whatever reason to give their consent to the raping.

It doesnt matter age, sex or the reason they got into the condition they are in.

6:49 PM  

Thats rape, regardless of age etc. I've actually been raped before on a first date with a guy my aunt set me up with. I didn't even kiss the guy consentially, wasn't flirting, wasn't dressed in revealing clothes...wasn't any of the things or BS that people use to justify a wrong as horrible as rape. It never ceases to amaze me how they always want to blame the female/victim or find a way to do so. It's more than just physical, it is traumatizing to the spirit and mind to be violated and in a position of no control over ones self. The boys in the scene written are disgusting. They violated the trust of these girls, and futhermore it's a medical fact that women can consume more alcohol than males and the effects are less, so in my opinion that means that those drinks they gave the girls probably had another substance in them other than alcohol, which inturn means the guys had bad intentions from the beginning.

5:38 PM  

If the girls are under 16, the big charges come out. Nobody asks to have a "train" ran on them even if they pass out from alcohol. The reality of this being all too common and all too real is just very fucked up.

I hope those bastards get theirs - rat in a cage style. I don't think anyone would complain about that at all - why do we need to pay tax dollars to "rehabilitate" those who are evil beyond repair?

5:58 AM  

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